Make Way for Texases
John Poch's latest collection is big and bold and beautiful. These poems are about Texas, after all! Fellow poet Patrick Phillips pronounces Texases "a kind of psalter, full of graceful and moving love songs to the land." Check it out now, including a video setting for Poch's poem "God in the Shape of Texas" and an excerpt from the opening section.
It's Time for The Behaviour of Clocks
Debuting very nearly on the 100th anniversary of the first observation confirming Albert Einstein's prediction that light from another star would be bent by the sun's gravity, Sally Ashton's new collection of prose poems uses Einstein's famous thought experiments as the launchpad for a poetic inquiry into time and memory. Read more, including a an excerpt from the opening section.
A New Day for Days Like Prose
In 1997 Alan Michael Parker's first collection of poems was published, earning praise from Richard Wilbur, Publishers Weekly, the National Book Critics Circle, and many more. This new edition will allow fans of Parker to complete their collections. And readers who have not yet discovered him will have the pleasure of beginning at his beginning. Find out more and read a sample!