Until Everything Is Continuous Again

American Poets on the Recent Work of W. S. Merwin

edited by Jonathan Weinert and Kevin Prufer

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Retail Price: $28.00
Subject Category: Literary Criticism
Length: 210 pages
Size: 6 x 9 inches
Binding: paper
Published: August 2012
ISBN: 978-1-60226-011-5


Jerry Harp's books of poems are Creature (Salt, 2003), Gatherings (Ashland Poetry, 2004), and Urban Flowers, Concrete Plains (Salt, 2006). His For Us, What Music? The Life and Poetry of Donald Justice (University of Iowa Press) and Constant Motion: Ongian Hermeneutics and the Shifting Ground of Early Modern UnderstandingM (Hampton Press) both appeared in 2010. Harp teaches at Lewis & Clark College.

Books by Jerry Harp

For Us, What Music? The Life and Poetry of Donald Justice (The University of Iowa Press, 2010)
Constant Motion: Ongian Hermeneutics and the Shifting Ground of Early Modern Understanding (Hampton Press, 2009)
Urban Flowers, Concrete Plains (Salt Publishing, 2006)
Gatherings (Ashland Poetry Press, 2004)
Creature (Salt Publishing, 2003)

Books Edited by Jerry Harp

A Poetry Criticism Reader (editor, with Jan Weissmiller; University of Iowa Press, 2006)

Jerry Harp Online

Visit his faculty website at Lewis & Clark College.

Listen to Harp reading poems at Oregon Poetic Voices.